About Me

I am a fitness fanatic with an obsession with baking. Obviously the two do not go hand in hand! I am a national figure competitor who raises money for my shows by selling baked goods. I hope to open my own bakery, Mo's Doughs, with my wonderful husband in the future and bake delicious sweets on a daily basis!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Competitors Happy Place

Some of you may or may not know that I am a fitness fanatic!  I compete in both the NPC and INBF federations in the figure division.  I have several friends that also compete with me and one thing I have learned that we all have in common is our LOVE for peanut butter and chocolate!  I'm not really sure what it is about peanut butter (I didn't even really like it until I started competing) but it's a treat that we all crave and I have yet to meet a competitor that dislikes it.  I'm drooling right now just thinking about it!  Ha!

A girlfriend of mine, Lindsey Meyer, just celebrated her birthday - which by coincidence took place right after a major competition in which she competed in the bikini division.  Let me just say that after 8 weeks of heavy dieting and working out - she was really craving some goodies!  So - here's what I created for her...

Chocolate Chip Cupcakes with a Whipped Peanut Butter Frosting topped with Toffee Bits and a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup!

She loved it, I loved it, and I am pretty sure everyone at the birthday celebration loved it as well!  I'm definitely keeping this recipe in my back pocket for future use!!  DELICIOUS!!